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Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Spectacular Settlements Hardcover
Spectacular Settlements will help you create all manner of places to populate the worlds in which you play, be they existing settings, or your very own.
Inside, you'll find easy-to-use settlement builder chapters, interesting NPCs, and a wide variety of other useful tables. For GMs in a hurry, ...More...
Price: £40.99 (RRP is £49.99)
Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Treacherous Traps
Treacherous Traps is an incredible resource for game masters looking to get more out of their dungeon design. Contained within are over 250 pre-built traps ranging in level and lethality, so that you can always find the perfect trap to challenge your players.
Also included is a random trap ...More...
Price: £32.99 (RRP is £39.99)
Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Treasure Trove Challenge Rating 1 to 4 Deck
Treasure Deck CR 1-4 is perfect for a beginning fantasy role playing game party. Beginning players can use this deck to gain access to treasure items that they might not otherwise know how to, or be able to access. Items like:
Price: £10.99 (RRP is £12.99)
Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Treasure Trove Challenge Rating 13 to 16 Deck
Treasure Deck CR 13-16 includes up to very rare-level magical items and starts to get into some of the highest end loot in the game. Step your role playing games up to the next level with this incredible expansion deck - making it more fun for both players and the GM.
The deck includes:
Price: £9.14 (RRP is £12.99)
Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Treasure Trove Challenge Rating 17 to 20 Deck
Treasure Deck CR 17-20 breaks into the legendary magical items and is intended for the highest level parties. These rewards are the sort of things we all seek to find in the most deadly dungeons and perilous quests - and now you can find them anywhere!
This deck includes:
Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Treasure Trove Challenge Rating 9 to 12 Deck
The Treasure Deck CR 9-12 once again takes things one step further by including rare-level magical items while still keeping the general theme of the decks so that they fit in well with your existing RPG materials. Sometimes instead of simply finding wealth or items, the players are rewarded with ...More...
Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Ultimate Bestiary: Revenge Of The Horde
The Horde Gathers.
In the darkness, in the gaps and cracks, in the forest, in the cavern, the swamp, at the edge of the campfire's dwindling glow, they dwell…
This book includes:
Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Ultimate NPCs: Skulduggery
A tool for Games Masters and Players alike, Ultimate NPCs: Skulduggery features:
Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Ultimate NPCs: Warfare
A tool for Game Masters and Players alike, Ultimate NPCs: Warfare offers:
Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Wandering Monster: Dungeon Deck
The Wandering Monsters Deck: Dungeon (5E) is the perfect accessory to randomly generate interesting and appropriate monsters in your tabletop RPG games. This deck is meant to challenge your players and always keep things fun! This deck includes:
Price: £9.14 (RRP is £14.99)
Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Wandering Monster: Underground Deck
Generate interesting and appropriate monsters for your tabletop RPG campaigns with the Wandering Monsters Deck: Underground (5E) expansion deck from Nord Games.
This expansion deck includes:
Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Wandering Monster: Waterways Deck
Generate interesting and appropriate monsters for your tabletop RPG campaigns with the Wandering Monsters Deck: Waterways (5E) expansion deck from Nord Games.
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The Lord Of The Rings: Duel For Middle-Earth Card Game
Things In Rings Card Game
The Fellowship Of The Ring: Trick-Taking Card Game
Ark Nova Card Game: Zoo Map Pack 2 Expansion
Compile Card Game: Main 1 Edition
SETI Board Game: Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Compile Card Game: Aux 1 Expansion
Bomb Busters Board Game
Ethnos Board Game: 2nd Edition
Wondrous Creatures Board Game
Mistborn: The Deck Building Game
River Valley Glassworks Board Game: Deluxe Edition