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EFP01013 Herbalist's Primer published by Exalted Funeral Press

Herbalist's Primer

EFP01013: Herbalist's Primer is a New Release EFP01013: Herbalist's Primer is Out of Stock

From screaming mandragoras to shape-shifting deadly nightshade to hawthorns holding portals to the fey realms - the world of plant folklore is full of fascinating stories, magical rituals, and simple spells that are quite unbreakable. Herbalist's Primer is a system-agnostic illustrated guide to real-world  ...More...

Price: £36.99
       (RRP is £42.49)

EFP01014 Herbalist's Primer: Song Of The Hedge Adventure published by Exalted Funeral Press

Herbalist's Primer: Song Of The Hedge Adventure

EFP01014: Herbalist's Primer: Song Of The Hedge Adventure is a New Release

Become a mouse, befriend a hedgehog, barter with bees and bypass dangers way above your paygrade in this system-neutral plant-based adventure, incorporating elements found in the Herbalist's Primer book! Ready to drop into any campaign.


Price: £7.99
       (RRP is £8.99)

EFP01016 Herbalist's Primer: The Herbalist's Notebook published by Exalted Funeral Press

Herbalist's Primer: The Herbalist's Notebook

EFP01016: Herbalist's Primer: The Herbalist's Notebook is a New Release

Herbalist's Notebook! Ever wanted to have more fun with plants at your gaming table? Well, here you go: a cool notebook for your herbalist character. Here's 80 pages for you to play with: make a Herbalist's Primer of your own!


Price: £11.49
       (RRP is £12.99)

EFP01028 Vorpal Almanac published by Exalted Funeral Press

Vorpal Almanac

EFP01028: Vorpal Almanac is a New Release

Hail and well met, Traveler! Welcome to the Vorpal Almanac! You hold in your hands a tome most prestigious, said to have been scribed by the sure, steady hand of the goddess of swords herself! Her pen, a rapier! Her scribbles, the blood of countless challengers! Her words, a scripture of violence!


Price: £21.99
       (RRP is £24.99)

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