Games | Board Games | Song Of Fire And Ice
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Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Shadow Tower Spearmen Expansion
Everyone in Westeros knows of The Wall and the stalwart Night's Watch that mans it. Slightly less well-known is what are on the flanks of the towering edifice. To the West, there's the Shadow Tower. There, the brothers in black specialize in wielding spears, making them masters at defending against ...More...
Price: £26.99 (RRP is £37.99)
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Varamyr Sixskins Expansion
Among the most powerful Skinchangers beyond the Wall, Varamyr Sixskins commands a huge snow bear, three wolves, a shadowcat, and an eagle simultaneously. In battle he rides astride his great snowbear, commanding his various beasts in coordinated attacks. Nothing escapes his eagle's gaze, nor his ...More...
Price: £34.99 (RRP is £41.99)
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Drowned Men Expansion
Armored with only their faith, and armed only with deadwood cudgels and other detritus from a storm-wracked shore; the Drowned Men make surprisingly effective support for followers of the Kraken banner. Their presence in battle signifies the Drowned God's blessing, bolstering men to fight past their ...More...
Price: £28.99 (RRP is £39.99)
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Dune Vipers Expansion
In the vast deserts of Dorne, being alone is a recipe for death. It's only via strength in numbers that people can survive. House Martell drills this into their Dune Vipers units, training them in ganging up against enemies. The Dune Vipers Unit Box gives House Martell players in the A Song of Ice ...More...
Price: £25.99 (RRP is £37.99)
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Martell Heroes Pack 1 Expansion
A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim the greatest ...More...
Price: £25.99 (RRP is £39.99)
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Martell Starter Set
House Martell rules the desert, plains, and badlands of southern Westeros under the Sunspear banner. Their troop are garbed in desert robes under light armor, and rank among the fastest forces in the War of the Five Kings. House Martell's doctrine of battle is to strike fast, strike hard, and evade ...More...
No. of Players: 2
Duration: 45 to 60 minutes
Min. Age: 14
Price: £71.99 (£70.19 after automatic discount!, RRP is £109.99)
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Sand Skirmishers Expansion
House Martell's Sand Skirmishers turn their doctrine of high mobility into a deadly dance of blade and bow. Their light armor allows them superior speed, rivaling that of the fastest enemy units, and their training allows for deadly hit-and-fade attacks, all under a rain of incoming arrows. If locked ...More...
Price: £24.99 (RRP is £37.99)
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Starfall Outriders Expansion
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Sunspear Dervishes Expansion
Sunspear Dervishes raise House Martell's doctrine of high mobility to a fine art. Their training allows them to rapidly engage, strike hard, and just as rapidly disengage to either prep for another run or choose a more opportune target. Enemies so besieged are often so rattled by the spinning, whirling ...More...
Price: £31.99 (RRP is £37.99)
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Sunspear Royal Guard Expansion
House Martell's famous Sunspear Royal Guards are few in number but count among the best-trained units across all of Westeros. Their adaptive style lends itself well to both offensive and defensive initiatives, and while their armor is heavier than most Martell units, their physical conditioning allows ...More...
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannisport City Watch Expansion
The Lannisport Enforcers Unit Box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Lannister a new, stalwart unit for their formations. Armed with deadly spears and suited in sturdy armor, they may not be the best choice for a vanguard but having them hold a flank is well within ...More...
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Heroes #3 Expansion
In far-off Essos, Queen Daenerys Targaryen rules over a court rife with intrigue. But while her subjects may involve themselves in plot after plot against each other (and indeed against the Queen herself), they stand united against their enemies in the field. With advisors and councilors such as ...More...
Price: £26.99 (RRP is £39.99)
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