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Agree To Disagree Board Game

ASS1701 Agree To Disagree Board Game published by Adams Apple Games

ASS1701: Agree To Disagree Board Game is a New Release

Can you divide the table?

Pick a topic within the category that will produce both likes AND dislikes at the table. You’ll need to use your brain (and not your cards) to come up with a great topic.

It's fun to disagree!

Humans were born to disagree. Saying no in disagreement was probably one of your first words, but it can become awkward later in life. The gameplay of Agree to Disagree puts disagreements back into the fun-zone.

No. of Players: 2 to 8

Duration: 10 to 25 minutes

Min. Age: 8

Price: £20.49
       (RRP is £24.99)