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Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game: The Citadel At Nordvorn

GBL0007S Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game: The Citadel At Nordvorn published by Gaming Ballistic

GBL0007S: Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game: The Citadel At Nordvorn has a 20% discount currently

In The Citadel at Nordvorn, you will find many adventures, plus more trouble the players will doubtless create on their own. The area is so teeming with strife and peril that their characters will have the opportunity to stand at the center of many crises.

The Citadel at Norðvorn is a setting for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG. It consists of three major settlements, many small villages, at least one ruin, and two primary sources of conflict: The Hunted Lands to the northwest of The Palisade, and the Endalaus Forest, to the north and east of Audreyn's Wall.

Return to Norðlond, a Viking-flavored world with its own history, culture, and expectations. Visit as an outsider, or fresh from a victory rediscovering the Hall of Judgment.

It is intended for starting Dungeon Fantasy RPG characters of 250 points. They will be major players, and the fulcrum around which the future of Norðlond turns. While it is set in the same world as Hall of Judgment, it is not sequel. It is a setting, filled with adventuring possibilities, and easily tuned up or down in power level as the GM desired to suit any fantasy campaign!

Good luck, and may the Fates have a bold destiny in store for you!

Price: £20.99
       (RRP is £23.99)