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Smash Up Card Game: That 70's Expansion

AEG55132 Smash Up Card Game: That 70's Expansion published by Alderac Entertainment Group

AEG55132: Smash Up Card Game: That 70's Expansion is a New Release

The Disco Dancers know the strength of dancing together, and can really shake things up when they copy each other. The Kung Fu Fighters make power flow like water among themselves, and even from their enemies. The Truckers move themselves and their load across the bases, all while sticking it to corrupt law enforcement. And the Vigilantes dish out hard-nosed justice like no others. Solid!

Head back to the dy-no-mite ‘70s!

  • Four all new factions: Disco Dancers, Truckers, Kung Fu Fighters, and Vigilantes!
  • New factions bring new strategies and breath new life into older factions.
  • Fully compatible with all other Smash Up sets.
  • No. of Players: 2 to 4

    Duration: 45 minutes

    Min. Age: 12

    Price: £20.49
           (RRP is £24.99)