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Wing Leader Board Game: Victories 1940 - 1942: Volume I Update Kit

GMT150719UD Wing Leader Board Game: Victories 1940 - 1942: Volume I Update Kit published by GMT Games

Wing Leader: Victories 1940-1942 is the first volume in the Wing Leader game series. It is a game of massed air battles where players command squadron and flight-sized units in formations of wing strength or greater. One side takes the role of raiders, leading a force of bombers through to the target. The other side defends with fighters, trying to claw for altitude and intercept the enemy. The game employs a side-view of the air battle, in which the forces maneuver vertically and end-to-end along the path of the raid. Players must gain height, exploit the Sun and cloud for advantage, and mass or divide their formations to stop the enemy. If you fail, the enemy bombers will rain down bombs on men and ships below. You are the Wing Leader.

This 2nd Edition includes significant updates to the original version. The updated components to the 2nd edition (with noted changes) are:

  • 1 Rulebook (Updated to Living rules v2.0.2 or later)
  • 1 Scenario Book (Updated with new scenarios and expanded by 4-8 pages from the original)
  • 2 Air combat player aid (Updated - v2.0 edition, the same as the card that appeared in Wing Leader: Supremacy)
  • 1 Bombing player aid (Updated - v2.0 edition, the same as the card that appeared in Wing Leader: Supremacy)
  • 2 Wing Displays
  • 1 Map (Updated - v2.0 edition, the same art as the Supremacy map, but non-mounted)
  • 5 Aircraft data card sheets (Updated)
  • 2 Countersheets (140 counters, 1" x 0.5")
  • 1 Countersheets (280 counters, 0.5" x 0.5")
  • 1 NEW Mixed sheet of aircraft data cards and counters (4 ADCs; 40 counters)
  • 1 NEW Battle Board (Same battle board as appeared in Wing Leader: Supremacy)
  • 2 Six-sided dice
  • Price: £29.12
           (RRP is £43.99)