Games | New Releases | New Releases 06 January 2025
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800 Pound Gorilla Card Game
Come play the newest game in the Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza universe: 800 Pound Gorilla! Spin the spinner, find the right-size gorilla, and race to take the coconut and bananas. Your family will love how easy it is to learn and how quick the laughs start - but your eyes may deceive you in finding ...More...
No. of Players: 2 to 6
Duration: 10 to 15 minutes
Min. Age: 8
Price: £14.99 (RRP is £17.99)
Ethnos Board Game: 2nd Edition
In the faraway land of Ethnos, a new Age is dawning. The ashes of the old Age have left the Six Regions empty, and the twelve Clans scattered to the winds. Now is the time for a clever leader to unite them into a powerful alliance, skillfully using the unique talents of each Clan to control the Regions. ...More...
No. of Players: 1 to 6
Duration: 45 minutes
Min. Age: 14
Price: £28.99 (RRP is £34.99)
EXIT Puzzle Game: The Alchemist's Garden
Over the years, word has spread about your ability to get to the bottom of mysteries and solve complicated riddles. Now your journey has led you to this strange place: an abandoned villa. Since the owner of the house disappeared years ago, strange plants and animals have taken possession of the space. ...More...
No. of Players: 1 to 4
Duration: 120 to 180 minutes
Min. Age: 10
EXIT Puzzle Game: The Key To Atlantis
You can hardly believe your eyes! After many years of intensive searching you have actually found it: the legendary sunken city of Atlantis! At the heart of the city lies the palace, where answers to questions about the culture of Atlantis and its demise await discovery. But the portal to the palace ...More...
Fairy Card Game
Every round, reveal a new card. Simultaneously, all players choose a hand gesture to guess how the card relates to the previous one (? for higher value, ? for lower value, ? for same suit, or ? to guess a fairy).
Guess the correct value relation and get two points. Guess same suit correctly ...More...
No. of Players: 2 to 10
Duration: 10 minutes
Min. Age: 6
Price: £7.49 (RRP is £8.99)
Fiction Board Game
Fiction is a Wordle-inspired game of deception. One player is the Lie-brarian and will choose a secret word from a classic work of literature. The other players will, as a team, use logic and literacy to deduce the secret word as quickly as possible.
Players have ten guesses and two ten-minute ...More...
No. of Players: 2 to 8
Duration: 20 minutes
Flamme Rouge Board Game: Grand Tour Expansion
Flamme Rouge: Grand Tour introduces multi-stage campaigns, varying from short 3-stage Tours all the way up to full 21-stage Grand Tours. In addition to the campaign mode, this expansion also includes new track tiles, special stages and specialist riders that allow you to customize your decks. Each ...More...
Duration: 45 to 60 minutes
Price: £28.99 (RRP is £33.99)
Lure Board Game
Welcome to the world of competitive fishing!
Players compete to collect the most points by reeling in fish cards. To catch a fish, players roll their dice to beat the fish's target number, as well as meet any specific requirements on the card. Whoever completes those requirements and is closest ...More...
No. of Players: 2 to 5
Duration: 15 minutes
Min. Age: 7
Lure Board Game: Deepwater: Deep Waters Expansion
Lure: Deep Waters adds 15 new, harder-to-catch fish and a new d4 die per player to roll more precisely.
Price: £4.99 (RRP is £5.99)
Mountain Goats Board Game: Expansion Pack
Mountain Goats: Expansion Pack adds a 5th player and the Big Mountain expansion to the king of the hill style game.
The Big Mountain expansion offers an additional target for your goat, a big mountain. There is only room for one goat at each step in the path ascending this bigger mountain. ...More...
Nova Era Board Game
In Nova Era, players guide their civilization from humble tribal beginnings to vast scientific empires, navigating the twists and turns through eras of history. Harness the power of technology, expand territories, and enlist famous (and sometimes infamous) personalities from across history. Civilizations ...More...
No. of Players: 2 to 4
Duration: 60 minutes
Min. Age: 12
Nyakuza Board Game
The waters of Oki-Yo Bay are teeming with fish. Such a lucrative spot would be a great place to set up operations for the different Nyakuza Clan. But, in the end, only one can be top-cat. In Nyakuza, players take their place as the head of their respective Nyazuka clan. They will bid for boats to ...More...
Duration: 40 minutes
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Compile Card Game: Main 1 Edition
Arydia: The Paths We Dare Tread Board Game
Compile Card Game: Aux 1 Expansion
Heat Board Game: Pedal To The Metal Tunnel Vision Expansion
Arydia: The Paths We Dare Tread Board Game: Epic Hunt Expansion
Arydia: The Paths We Dare Tread Board Game: Small Bodies Upgrade Kit
Sky Team Board Game: Turbulence Expansion
Marvel Champions LCG: Agents Of SHIELD Expansion
Arkham Horror LCG: The Drowned City Investigator Expansion
The Fellowship Of The Ring: Trick-Taking Card Game
Compile Card Game: Playmat
The Lord Of The Rings: Duel For Middle-Earth Card Game